"...don't be stuck in the every day reality, allow yourself to dream, have faith in your wildest dreams." [AaRON]

"Ne restez pas scotchés à la réalité quotidenne. Permettez-vous de rêver. Croyez en vos rêves les plus fous..." [AaRON]

mardi 26 mars 2013


La vidéo que j'ai mise en ligne hier m'a donné envie de rechercher sur You Tube si l'on trouvait un enregistrement du Concerto pour violoncelle de Bach interprété par Pau Casals. Eh bien, oui !!! La qualité de l'image n'est pas fameuse, mais le son n'est pas si mauvais. Et quelle merveille de se retouver propulsé en 1954 dans la cadre extraordinaire de l'abbaye de Saint Michel-de-Cuixa où j'ai tant de souvenirs.

Mise en ligne le 10 juin 2011 par win081

In August 1954, at age of 77 Pablo Casals (1876-1973) performed Bach's G-Major Cello Solo at Abbaye "Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa", a Catholic monastery located south of the small border town Prades in France (very close to Catalonia of Spain). Pablo Casals settled in Prades in earlier 1940's after the Spanish civil war in 1930's, and he came back to Prada as the conductor and cellist at "Prades Festival" in 1950's. A small museum in Prades is dedicated to the memory of Pablo Casals.
Pablo Casals was one of very few politically active classic music musicians who aligned themselves politically with the American government. He was an ardent supporter for Second Spanish Republic in 1930's. At age 85, he played at White House for J.F. Kennedy who rewarded him the "(American) Presidential Medal of Freedom" two years later in 1963.
Arguably this filmed 1954 performance probably is not at the best of Pablo Casals. Most critics consider that the best performances of Pablo Casals on Bach Cello Solo are back in late 1930's and that exist only in audio recordings under EMI label.
(written by win081, June 10, 2011) [Merci à win081 pour ce grand et beau moment que je vous invite à partager dans le recueillement] 

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