Do you know Neil Gaiman, the author of Neverwhere ? He is an astonishing author of astonishing books. Neverwhere takes place in the "London Below", a fantastic subterranean London where the tube stations open on another reality. The heroe, Richard Mayhew, is a Scot young man who goes to London to work in the City as a financial trader. Everything goes fine for him until he encounters an injured young girl named Door who spout of a wall just in front of him. Despite his fiancée's protests, he decides to help the wounded girl but that means that he suddenly ceases to exist "in our world" for regular people living in "London above" and Richard becomes real only to the denizens of 'London Below'. He loses his house, his job, his fiancée, and nearly his mind, as he travels through this strange 'London Below' labyrinth in an attempt to make sense out of it all, find a way back to his proper world, and helps Door surviving as she is hunted down by hired assassins.
I'm just finishing to read another book of the same author which title is Anansi boys. This book doesn't take place in London but in America. But it is as astounding as Neverwhere. I can't resist to quote an excerpt from chapter one :
"It begins, as most things begin, with a song.
In the beginning, after all, were the words and they came with a tune. That was how the world was made, how the void was divided, how the lands and the stars and the dreams and the little gods and the animals, how they came in the world.
They were sung".
If you like, as I do, fantastic litterature, you must read Neil Gaiman as soon as possible!
Hello Dreamcatcher,
RépondreSupprimerThat is one of the best point in Blogs : it's a space where we can receive a lot from everyone. Just we have to be ready and open-minded.
Some next day, I'll talk about my own favourite books and films.
Now, just I'm wondering : where do you find and buy the English books you read ?
Do you order them from abroad ?
Hi ! I discovered Neil Gaiman and "Neverwhere" during my last trip to London with the college I worked in in 2008. It was at Harrod's bookseller. For the others, I order them to Amazon. It is very safe and fast and you can find many books.