mardi 31 mai 2011


James BLUNT : "1973"


You're getting older

Your journey's been etched

On your skin


Wish I had known that

What seemed so strong

Has been and gone
I would call you up everyday Saturday night

And we'd both stay out 'til the morning light

And we sang, "Here we go again"

And though time goes by

I will always be

In a club with you

In 1973

Singing, "Here we go again"

Wish I was sober

So I could see clearly now

The rain has gone

I guess it's over
My memory plays our tune

The same old song
I would call you up everyday Saturday night
And we'd both stay out 'til the morning light

And we sang, "Here we go again"

And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing, "Here we go again"

I would call you up everyday Saturday night

And we'd both stay out 'til the morning light

And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing, "Here we go again"

I would call you up everyday Saturday night

And we'd both stay out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by

I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you

In 1973*

Thanks to :,1973,102925268.html#ixzz1NxPO5I4T

* In 1973, I was at the Sorbonne in Paris, studying anthropology (Roland).

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