dimanche 28 juin 2009


Sur Arte, cette semaine, j'ai découvert le groupe anglais "Archive" que je ne connaissais pas. J'ai entendu deux chansons, "Words on signs" et "Bullets (Personal responsibility) que j'ai trouvées magnifiques.
Sur le groupe Archive : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archive_(band) (anglais) et
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archive_(groupe) (en français - moins complet)
En voici les paroles :
« Words on signs » Close those eyes down,
We all fall down,
Into the space,
Gone with no trace,
Feel your heart slow,
Where will we go,
Into the sunlight,
Or the dead of night.
There's nobody here for me now,
There's nobody here for me now,
There's nobody here for me now.
So much running scared,
Living breathing dead.
There's nobody here for me now,
There's nobody here for me now.
Silence fills you through,
Time to tell the truth,
See the words on signs,
It ends with a blink of an eye.
« Bullets » (Personal responsibility) Come touch me like I'm an ordinary man
Have a look in my eyes
Underneath my skin there is a violence
It's got a gun in its hands
Ready to make
Ready to make
Read-Ready to make sense of anyone anything
Anyone anything
Anyone anything
Anyone anything
Anyone anything
Anyone anything
Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wire spinning around you [+echo]
Blistering sky
Blistering sky
Blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Come find me
Let me be the lesser of a beautiful man
Without the blood in his hands
Come and make me a martyr
Come and break my feeling
With your violence
Put the gun in my hand
Ready to take...
Ready to take...
Ready to take...
Ready to take......
Out anyone, anywhere
Anyone, anywhere
Anyone, anywhere
Anyone, anywhere
Anyone, anywhere
Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wire spinning around you [+echo]
Blister in sky
Blister in sky
Blister in sky
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wire spinning around you [+echo]
Blistering sky
Blistering sky
Blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Bullets are the beauty of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty and I don't know why
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility

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