mercredi 6 mai 2009

Any Other World - Mika | Live Paris | HD

Mika : "Any other world"

In any other world

You could tell the difference

And let it all unfurl

Into broken remembrance

Smile like you mean it

And let yourself let go

Cos its all in the hands

Of a bitter, bitter of man

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Take a bow

Play the part

Of a lonely, lonely heart

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

To the world you thought you lived in

I try to live alone

But lonely is so lonely

So human as I am

I had to give up my defenses

So I smile and try to mean it

To make myself let go

Cos it's all in the hands

Of a bitter, bitter man

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Take a bow

Play the part

Of a lonely, lonely heart

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

To the world you thought you lived in

Cos it's all in the hands

Of a bitter, bitter man

Say goodbye to world

You thought you lived in

Take a bow

Play the part

Of a lonely, lonely heart

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

Say goodbye to the world

You thought you lived in

To the world you thought you lived in

In any other world

you could tell the difference

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