samedi 10 mai 2008

SEBASTIEN SCHULLER : "Tears coming home"

J'ai découvert ce musicien voici plusieurs années déjà. Je l'ai réécouté récemment et j'aime toujours autant. J'ai choisi un morceau, en particulier, qui me "parle" particulièrement : "Tears coming home". Il est extrait de l'album "Happiness".

Tears coming home

Don't stray your call
Takes a long time to follow
Thoughts trees and cold
Makes your prayer flow into sorrow
I breathe the silence
Walking in a square alone
Waiting for a sparkle from the sky
Tears coming home
To ride the loner
I feel my old town
In the rain and cold
Tears as a cover
I feel my old town
Too many tears
Too many fears
I feel all the time
Too many tears
Too many years
That I feel like a stranger
Closed in your room
Could you grow up in your birdcage
If you screen your eyes and your ears
Could you blossom without heartache
I soar in silence
Walking with a silvery clown
Walking for a sparkle from the sky
I'm here in silence
Walking in a square alone
Waiting for a sparkle from my mind
Tears coming home
To ride the loner
I feel my old town
In the rain and cold
Tears as a cover
I feel my old town
Too many tears
Too many fears
I feel all the time
Too many tears
Too many years
That I feel like a stranger

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